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캠브리지 대학 인터뷰 오퍼!

GLC에 또 좋은 소식이 있어 알려드립니다.

축하드립니다! GLC 학생이 추가로 캠브리지 대학 인터뷰 오퍼를 받았습니다.


이번에는 캠브리지 대학에서 인터뷰 오퍼는 어떻게 오는지 안내해드릴께요.


캠브리지 대학교는 옥스퍼드 대학교와 마찬가지로 매년 12월 초에 지원자를 대상으로 온라인 인터뷰를 진행하며, 올해도 열정과 잠재력을 지닌 학생들과 만날 준비를 하고 있습니다. 지원자는 학교나 집 등 자신에게 가장 편리한 장소에서 인터뷰에 참여할 수 있으며, 안정적인 인터넷 환경과 기술 준비가 성공적인 인터뷰의 핵심입니다.

캠브리지 인터뷰 준비는 철저한 독립성과 기밀 유지가 강조됩니다. 모든 지원자는 규칙을 준수하며 인터뷰어와의 원활한 소통을 위해 기술 점검 및 사전 준비를 철저히 해야 합니다. 인터뷰 과정을 위한 가이드를 활용해 필요한 사항을 미리 확인하고 준비하면 더욱 자신감을 가질 수 있습니다.

이제 조금 더 구체적인 내용을 살펴볼까요?


이번 입시에 받은 '캠브리지 대학 레터 이메일' 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. 인터뷰 일정 및 세부 사항 안내

    합격 통지와 함께, 인터뷰 날짜와 시간, 주제별 세부 사항은 11월 30일까지 이메일로 안내됩니다.

We are pleased to let you know that you have been selected for interview.

  1. Important Points

    신분증 필수: 여권, 운전면허증, 학교 ID, 또는 국가에서 발행한 신분증 등 사진이 포함된 ID를 인터뷰 시작 시 제시해야 합니다.

You must have photographic ID with you for your interview(s), such as a passport, driving licence, official school ID or government-issued National ID card. Your interviewers will ask to see photographic ID at the start of any interview. 

기밀 유지: 인터뷰와 평가와 관련된 내용을 녹화하거나 사진 촬영하는 것은 금지되어 있으며, 제3자가 개입하는 것도 허용되지 않습니다.

You are reminded that you agreed to an admissions confidentiality statement, which includes interviews and assessments, as part of your application.

가이드와 체크리스트: "Guidance for Candidates"와 "Checklist for Candidates"를 참조해 준비를 돕기 바랍니다.

You can read our Guidance for Candidates and Checklist for Candidates to help with preparations.

  1. Request for Adjustments

    필요 시, 수정 요청을 할 수 있습니다.

We have written to you throughout the application process to let you know how to request adjustments, if you may need them at interview or assessment.


  1. Technical Checks

    기술 점검을 위한 5분 예약 슬롯이 제공되며, 다음 주 (09:00-17:00) 중 선착순으로 진행됩니다.

    Zoom 연결, 비디오 및 오디오 장비를 테스트하고 인터뷰 세팅에 익숙해질 수 있도록 필수적입니다.

You will receive a separate email with details of how to book an essential five-minute interview technical check. This will test your internet connection, video and audio equipment and ensure you are comfortable with the settings for your online interview. Five-minute slots will be available next week, between 09:00-17:00, with bookings on a first-come, first-served basis. Book a single slot only.


  1. Useful Information and Links

    - Cambridge Interview 준비 가이드

    - 최근 인터뷰 관련 웨비나 영상

    • 11월 20일: Arts and Humanities

    • 11월 21일: Sciences


추가로 Guidance for Candidates에 대한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Admissions Cofidentiality and Rules

Confidentiality Rules

  • 인터뷰 또는 평가 과정을 녹화, 사진 촬영, 또는 타인이 대신 참여하는 행위는 금지됩니다.

  • AI 툴, 앱, 또는 온라인 도구 사용은 허용되지 않습니다.

You or any third party are strictly forbidden to record or photograph any part of the application process. We will cancel your application to the University if you:   • record your assessment or interview   • photograph your assessment or interview  • have an unauthorised third party present during your assessment or interview
No one else can assist you, either at your physical location or online, when you are participating in the interview (e.g., a family member, a teacher, or other students). The only people permitted to join the online interview are: • You and your interviewers• If necessary, personnel from the College, who may be involved in setting up your interview or observing it, or for assisting in case of technical problems• Transparency at Interview observers if you are taking part (see attendance form for details)
You should not use any apps, online tools, and/or generative AI systems during the interviews to help you answer the questions. The interviewers will seek to create a teaching and learning environment during the interviews, so you are not expected to produce perfectly correct responses to every question they ask. They want to explore yourunderstanding of the topics discussed, and they will help you whenever necessary. Therefore, apps, online tools, and/or generative AI systems are not necessary, and they usually reduce the quality of the responses applicants offer.

  1. 인터뷰 준비를 위한 실질적인 도움말

    Paper & Pen 준비: 인터뷰 동안 필기 작업이 필요할 수 있습니다. 흰색 A4 용지와 검은색 펜 사용.

Please have these available to note things down and in case of any technical issues: • Have several sheets of plain white A4 paper readily available. • Use a new black pen with a thick nib - a marker or felt tip will show more clearly than ballpoint. • You may need to hold your work up to the camera. Please practise this to make sure the interviewers will be able to see the results on their screens. • You may also need to take a photo of your work to upload it to the interviewers. Again, please practise this procedure. You may find an app such as CamScanner helpful.

Interactive Whiteboard 사용: Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics 등 일부 과목에 한해 Zoom 화이트보드 기능 사용 가능. (관련 기술 사전 연습 필요)

The subjects which use this function are Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Your personal interview information page will make it clear if you need to be prepared to use interactive whiteboard technology during your interviews.  For whiteboards, we will most commonly use the one incorporated within Zoom. We recommend that you spend time prior to the interview familiarising yourself with the interactive whiteboard function. In particular, learn how to move around, erase items, locate the pen tool etc.
Whiteboard technology on tablets or touchscreens If your laptop or tablet is touchscreen, you will not need a second device. Otherwise, you should use: • a second device with touchscreen and stylus/mouse logged in to the same Zoom call • a connected writing/drawing tablet with pen stylus  • pen and paper - for this option, you will either be asked to write and hold up to the screen, or have a camera/smartphone positioned to show ou writing on the paper Whatever type of tablet or writing device you have access to, please use a stylus/pen rather than a mouse or touchpad or touchscreen if possible. In our experience, the stylus/pen produces much better results.  We recommend that you become fully familiar with the tablet by practising relevant activities prior to the interview. Please note that a mobile phone is not a suitable alternative to a tablet or touchscreen for sharing working.

인터뷰 전 준비: 인터뷰 참석 온라인 폼 작성, 허용되는 사진 신분증 확인하고 준비, 인터뷰 공간 준비, 기술 점검 및 장비 테스트, 화면 설정 확인 (가상 배경이나 블러 필터 사용은 불가), 기술 체크 예약

• Let us know if you can attend your interview(s) - complete the online registration form. • Check which permitted photographic ID you have available and get it ready for the day. • Arrange and prepare your interview space - find out if you will be at school, home or elsewhere. - If you will be at home for your interview(s), let your family/housemates know the time of the interview(s) and ask them not to use the internet connection - either via their phone/computer or a streaming service like Netflix or Spotify. • Test your technology and familiarise yourself with applications or platforms to be used - if you will be using borrowed equipment allow time to try this out. - Make sure you will appear clearly onscreen, by experimenting with the position of your phone/laptop and the room lighting. Try to find a neutral and uncluttered backdrop - you will not be permitted to use a virtual background, blur the background or use a filter. - Follow the instructions in your invitation email on booking a technical check.

인터뷰 당일 준비:

  • 인터뷰 당일 기기 상태 확인 및 완충/전원 연결 필수

  • 비디오 및 메모리 효율화를 위해 불필요한 프로그램과 브라우저 창 닫기

  • 가족에게 인터뷰 시간 알리고 인터넷 사용 자제 요청

  • 인터뷰 10분 전에 온라인 접속 및 장비 상태 확인

  • 필요한 웹 링크와 비밀번호를 미리 준비

  • 인터뷰 시 혼자 있어야 하며, 사전에 요구된 읽기 자료를 따라야 함

  • Zoom 대기실에는 시작 시간 2-3분 전에 접속하기

  • 인터뷰 접속 문제 발생 시 College Admissions Office ( or 01223 335600)에 즉시 연락

Do a final check of your equipment before your interview (and pre-reading if applicable) starts - make sure your devices are fully charged or plugged into mains power. Videoconferencing can use a lot of processing power and memory, so make your device as efficient as possible by closing non-essential browser windows as well as non-essential programs and apps. Switch off alerts and alarms and set other devices to silent, flight mode or preferably turn them off. If at home for your interview, remind your household of your interview time - ask them to avoid using the same internet connection - and put a note on the door to remind people of your interview time. Be online at least ten minutes before the interview or pre-reading time (if applicable) to ensure your device, video, audio and internet connection are working properly. Print or write down and have to hand a note of any weblinks/passcodes you will need to access the interview(s) and pre-reading, if applicable.
Your interview invitation and webpage will make it clear if you need to do some pre-reading before your interview/s.  Please follow the instructions carefully. • You must be alone in the room during the interview and if you have pre-reading, during this time too. • You must also be alone online except for the interviewers and, if relevant, other College personnel who may be involved in setting up your interview or observing it.
Join the Zoom interview waiting room 2-3 minutes before your interview start time. Once you have clicked on your Zoom link and logged on, you should see a message that the host is aware you are waiting.  Please wait to be admitted to your interview and follow any on-screen prompts, making sure you permit access to your microphone and camera if necessary. There may be a short delay if interviews are running a little behind schedule. If you do not see the acknowledgement message or have not been admitted more than eight minutes after the scheduled start time, try logging on again. If this fails, even if you have reached the waiting room, contact the College Admissions Office using or 01223 335600.

인터뷰 중:

  • 종이와 펜을 준비하고 기술 문제 발생 시 대체 방식 제공 또는 재일정 가능

  • 기기 문제 발생 시 면접관 지시에 따르고, Zoom 채팅 기능 사용 가능

  • 완전히 연결이 끊길 경우 두 번 더 재접속 시도 후 안되면 College Admissions Office에 연락

All applicants should have paper and pen. If your subject requires you to show your technical or problem-solving skills using the collaborative whiteboard technology and this technology is not workable during the interview, your interviewers will endeavour to provide an alternative way of working through the questions or may reschedule the interview.
We are prepared for assessment via a variety of formats, and you will not be disadvantaged by the equipment that is or is not available to you.  If technical problems arise - for example, the screen freezes, or your camera connection drops - you should follow instructions from your interviewers if you can hear them. Please use the Zoom chat function if sound is an issue but you are still connected.
If you lose all connectivity, please try logging on again. Try this ​twice​ more, and if you are still unable to re-connect, please contact the Queens’ College Admissions Office: +44 (0)1223 335600.


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캠브리지 대학교에서 안내하는 입시 면접에 대한 내용(<- 클릭하면 안내 페이지로)입니다. 또한 캠브리지 대학이 제작한 학사 과정 입시 면접 안내 영상을 참고해주세요.


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